Santa Margherita

Bibliographic sources

Existing manuscripts


  1. Domenico Archive, cod. “A” (Cividale), f. 184-190’


O.P. General Archive, cod. XIV, 24 (olim X. 3002), f. 216-222.

O.P.General Archive, X, 1906-1907-1908-1909

Vatican City

Vatican Apostolic Library, cod. lat. 10151, f. 102-106


National Library, cod. XVI. B. 40, f. 9-14’


National Library, cod. Ital. 2178, f. 13’-23’


Municipal Library, cod. T. II, 7, 114’-126’ &  cod. T. II, 7, 11-17’


Augusta Library, cod. 147, C. 30 “Elogia virorum illustriorum illustrissimae et sacrae Praedicatorum familiae Sancti Dominici,” by Br. Nicolao Alexio Perusino

Città di Castello

Information on the era in which Saint Margaret lived can be found at:

Major Archive

Episcopal Archive

Municipal Annals

Notarial Acts of Ser Marco Vanni

Missing manuscripts

Anonymous Inhabitant of Città di Castelo (Tifernate), Vita Beatae Margaritae de Civitate Castelli– manuscript with annotation of miracles, perhaps written by a Dominican and kept for centuries in the sacristy of the convent. Some argue that the drafter of the Legend belonged to the city clergy. The biographers of the Saint drew from this document. The manuscript could currently be found in the archives of some Tifernate families. Its traces were lost during the revolutionary uprisings of 1848 when, by some mobsters, the archives of the Inquisition court were destroyed (burned). Since then there has been no news of this important historical document.

Meniconi Raimondo, o.p., prior of the Convent of San Domenico in Perugia wrote a life of the Saint in 1558. Mugnani consulted this Life in 1742 at the sacristy of San Domenico in Città di Castello.

Mugnani Vincenzo Michele, o.p., (1750-80s) had left some manuscripts, currently unavailable,namely: Annali, Vite dei Santi e Beati di Città di Castello, Ricordanze del Convento di S. Domenico di Città di Castello (Annals, Lives of the Saints and Blessed of Città di Castello, Memories of the Convent of Saint Dominicof Città di Castello).

Domenico Pazzi, TifernatePriest, his bookHistoria Tiber.contained information on the cult of the tifernateblessed.

Msgr. Giulio Daddei (16th century), Governor of Città di Castello, had written a Compendium of the life of Blessed Margaret, partly transcribed in the “Acta Sanctorum,” Antwerp 1675, vol. II, pp. 690 et seq. There is no trace of the original manuscript, while a copy is kept in the General Archives of the Dominicans in Rome.

Pantani Tommaso, o.p., had written a life of blessed Margaret, but no copy can be found.



AA.VV.,Beata Margherita in san Domenico restaurato(Blessed Margaret in restored San Domenico), Città di Castello 1964.

AA.VV.,I Benedettini nella Massa Trabaria(The Benedictines in Massa Trabaria), Sansepolcro 1982.

AA.VV.,Restauri dell’Ex-Convento Domenicano(Restoration of the former Dominican convent), Città di Castello 1959.

Acta Sanctorum, De B. Margherita Virgine, II, Antwerp 1675.

Anonymous, B. Margherita della Metola, Milan 1920.

Anonymous, “Vita beatae Margaritae virginis de Civitate Castelli,” in Analecta Bollandiana, XIX, 1900.

Ascani Angelo, Apecchio, Città di Castello 1977.

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Baudot J. – Chaussin P.,Vies des Saints et des Bienheureux (Lives of the Saints and Blesseds), IV, Paris 1935-1939.

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Campana Sergio, In colloquio con Dio e con gli Uomini(In conversation with God and with Men), in S. Campana – U. Valentini, Il Dono della Vita(The gift of Life), Città di Castello 2007.

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Echard P., Scriptores Ordinis Praedicatorum, II

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Faeti Giacinto, Ricordo del VI Centenario della Cieca Terziaria Domenicana Beata Margherita(Memorial of the Sixth Centenary of Blessed Dominican Tertiary Blessed Margherita), Città di Castello 1920.

FerrettiLodovico, O.P.,Davanti all’urna della Beata Margherita(In front of the urn of the Blessed Margaret), in Il Rosario – Memorie Domenicane(The Rosary: Dominican Memoirs, A. 32 (1915), S. III Vol. II; and in Memorie Domenicane(Dominican Memoirs), A.50 (1933), vol. I.

Feuisset-Souvages, La Beata Marguerite de Città di Castello(The Blessed Margaret of Città di Castello)in Année Dominicaine,(Dominican Year), I, Lyon 1889.

Fountain P., De Romana Provincia Ordinis Praedicatorm.

Frugoni Chiara, Su un “immaginario” Possibile di Margherita da Città di Castello(On a Possible “imaginary”by Margaretof Città di Castello), in Il movimento religioso femminile in Umbria nei secoli XIII-XIV(The Female Religious Movement in Umbria in the Thirteenth-Fourteenth Centuries), (edited by Rusconi Roberto), Florence 1984.

Gerson Jean,Œuvres Complètes (Complete Works), Paris 1962.

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Herlihy David,La famiglia nel Medioevo(The family in the Middle Ages), Bari 1987.

Kaftal G.,Iconography of the saints in Tuscan painting, Florence 1952.

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Icensis,Beata Margherita dalla Metola(Blessed Margaret of Metola), Dartimassacro(martyrology), Pompeii 1943.

La Cieca Della Metola (The Blind Of Metola), Religious Periodical edited by the “Beata Margherita Institute” of Città di Castello, A.I (1912) -A. LXXVII (1988); It contains numerous articles and services on Saint Margaret of Metola and relates the activities of the Institute, as well as related documentation on the recent decades prodigies attributed to the intercession of Saint Margaret of Metola.

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Mancini Giacomo,Istruzione Storico-Pittorica(Historico-Pictorial Instructions), Perugia 1832.

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Martini Adolfo P.,La Verna, A. XI

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